Code of Ethics
As a Diplomate of a recognized Specialty Board affiliated with the American Board of Physician Specialties, I pledge to:
- Maintain the highest standard of personal conduct
- Promote and encourage the highest level of medical ethics in medicine
- Maintain loyalty to the goals and objectives of the American Board of Physician Specialties
- Recognize and discharge my responsibility and that of the profession to uphold the laws and regulations relating to the practice of medicine
- Strive for excellence in all aspects of my medical practice
- Use only legal and ethical means in the provision of care to my patients
- Provide impartial patient care, offering no special privileges based on a patient’s race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin or handicap
- Accept no personal compensation from any party that would influence or require special consideration in the provision of care to any patient
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to me by virtue of my role as a physician
- Cooperate in every reasonable and proper way with other physicians and work with them in the advancement of quality patient care
- Use every opportunity to improve public understanding of the role of the specialist physician
- Abide by the highest ethical standards in activities designed to attract patients to my practice