Diplomate Categories and Fees
Fees are based on a calendar year and vary for each Diplomate category.
Diplomates requesting changes in their Diplomate status for the ensuing year must submit to ABPS a written and signed request for a status change no later than December 31.
Diplomate ($895) Primary – Certification Management Fee (CMF)
($595) Non-Primary CMF
Diplomates are physicians who achieve and maintain board certification by an ABPS member board and are in good standing with ABPS.
Military Diplomate ($350)
Military Diplomates shall be Diplomates on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. To qualify for and retain Military Diplomate status, each year Military Diplomates must attest to their active duty military status and upon request furnish written confirmation of such status.
Retired Diplomate ($25)
Retired Diplomates shall be completely retired diplomates who have no active practice hours in any month during the billing year and who, at the time of their retirement, were ABPS Diplomates in good standing. To qualify for and retain Retired Diplomate status, Retired Diplomates must attest that they are not engaged in the practice of medicine and have no expectation of actively practicing medicine in the future Retired Diplomates do not retain their active board certification status and are not eligible for recertification. ABPS does not provide verification of board certification for Retired Diplomates.
Retired Application – Download
Emeritus Diplomate ($495)
Emeritus Definition and Application – Download
Frequently Asked Fee Questions
What is the purpose of the annual fees?
A: The American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) is one of three nationally recognized multi-specialty board-certifying organizations in the United States. ABPS provides certification and recertification examinations, with a rigorous process equivalent to the other, much larger, national boards of certification for physicians.
ABPS is a 501(c) 6 Trade non-profit organization that supports a full-time staff and national headquarters facility. Income is derived from fees charged for its products (i.e., initial certification and recertification applications and examinations, primary source verification, contributions to special programs, and sales items. However, the primary source of income is from annual Certification Management Fees and dues. ABPS does not receive funding from Federal or State government resources.
The certification management fee (CMF) enables ABPS to maintain the standards of its certification program. This includes conducting exam development tasks using sound measurement practices and ensuring the ongoing validity and relevance of the examination content. Upholding the highest possible certification standards enhances the testing program and furthers ABPS’ national recognition efforts.
What does the annual CMF cover?
The annual CMF covers the following necessary and essential recurring expense and overhead items:
- The development, maintenance, and administration of all written, oral, and simulation examinations, including but not limited to:
- Psychometric consulting expenses
- Software used for item writing, tracking, and storage of examination items
- Examination administration services
- Expenses associated with in-person exam development review sessions
- Expenses for travel, meals, and accommodations for oral and simulation examiners
- Facilitation of the oral and simulation examination administrations
- Maintenance and enhancement of Certification and Diplomate records, including but not limited to:
- Development, licensing, and maintenance expenses associated with a primary certification database (Protech)
- Development, licensing, and maintenance costs associated with an online candidate application and verification program through Protech and Aperture
- Production, management, and distribution of ABPS certificates
- Primary source verification of new applicants’ education and training
- Expenses related to marketing and recognition efforts, including but not limited to:
- Website development, monitoring, and maintenance
- Career Service
- Recruitment and retention efforts
- Journal advertising
- Conference exhibit booth rental and travel expenses
- Development and production of brochures, business cards, etc.
- Management of full-time staff and national headquarters facility, including but not limited to:
- Facility operations
- Administration operations
- Board of Certification operations
What are the different items that are billed on an annual statement?
A: The annual billing has two items: the annual Certification Management Fees (CMF) for Diplomates or Dues for retired Diplomates. The first item billed (CMF or Dues) is mandatory and must be paid to remain active and in good standing. Then, there is the voluntary National Initiative Fund (NIF) donation that funds recognition activities.
Who is considered a Diplomate or retired Diplomate?
A: A Diplomate is an individual certified by ABPS whose certification is managed by ABPS. A retired Diplomate is an individual who wishes to remain actively engaged with/in the organization’s governance or was previously certified as a Diplomate with ABPS but does not wish to recertify and is no longer practicing.
What is the period that is covered by the annual fees?
A: The period covered by annual fees or dues is January 1st to December 31st of the billing year or at any point within the billing year until December 31st of that same year.
When will I receive an annual fee notice?
A: Initial annual Certification Management Fees (CMF) or Dues invoice communications are emailed in October for the following year. This is done to give Diplomates adequate time to pay their annual fees before the January 31st due date. Additional notices (via mail/email) are sent out in November, December, and January. In March, if the annual fee has not been paid, a final invoice will be sent informing of the removal from good standing and the inactivation of their account on April 1st.
How can I pay my fees?
A: There are various ways to pay fees. Payments can be made online via American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or Visa on the ABPS website or by mail via check, money order, American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or Visa.
Do I have to pay my annual fees by January 1st?
A: No. We recommend making your payment as soon as possible, but it is not required by January 1st. To remain an active Diplomate or retired Diplomate “in good standing,” we must receive your annual fee no later than March 31st of the billing year. Inactive Diplomates who pay their annual fee after October 1st of the billing year must also remit all of the following year’s fees.
If I become a Diplomate or retired Diplomate after September 1st, do I have to pay the entire year’s fees?
A: No. You will not be billed the annual fee until the following year.
What is an active Diplomate/retired Diplomate “in Good Standing,” and how does it affect me?
A: An active Diplomate or retired Diplomate “in Good Standing” is a Diplomate or retired Diplomate who is up to date with all required obligations (both financial and administrative) for the current billing year or past years before the March 31st of the current billing year. Diplomates must also furnish a signed attestation. Only Diplomates or retired Diplomates “in Good Standing” receive organization mailings and information. Diplomates can have their credentials verified by ABPS or its designated verification organization and are eligible to recertify.
How can my account be not “in Good Standing” or “inactive,” and how will it affect me?
A: The account for a Diplomate or retired Diplomate who has not met all required ABPS obligations (both financial and administrative) for the current billing year will be placed in not “in Good Standing” or “inactive” status. Diplomates not “in Good Standing” or “inactive” will not receive organization mailings and information. Diplomates will not be able to have their credentials verified by ABPS or its designated verification organization and are not eligible for recertification.
What will I need to do to reinstate my status to “in Good Standing” or “active?”
A: If a Diplomate does not pay the annual fee, they will have to pay all outstanding annual fees up through the current year before their status is reinstated.