ABPS Celebrates Doctors Day 2024
The American Board of Physician Specialties® urges all Americans to celebrate National Doctors Day this March 30th in recognition of the essential role that physicians serve in our daily lives. National Doctors’ Day was first observed in 1933 to mark the anniversary of the first use of ether anesthesia by Dr. Crawford W. Long. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush declared Doctors Day a national day of celebration.
At the ABPS, we think it’s only right to celebrate physicians for their dedication to improving our quality of life. As a nation, we depend on physicians daily. They use their hard-earned knowledge and skills to deliver our newborns, treat our illnesses, and help make us comfortable later in life. The time and effort physicians have spent in developing their careers have served us well as individuals and as a nation.
If you know a doctor or have been helped by one recently, please take a moment to express your gratitude. It is to doctors we confidently turn when we need professional medical advice on how to lead healthier lives, whether during good times or a global health crisis.
As a nationally recognized, multi-specialty certifying body, the ABPS is proud to have a community of physician Diplomates who work diligently to improve the nation’s healthcare system by staying updated on medical advancements and offering safe, effective, and compassionate medical treatment. Our Diplomates represent the finest in their fields and can be found in all 50 states, as well as Canada and Puerto Rico. If you would like information about the qualifications of our Diplomates or the benefits of certification through one of our many Member Boards, contact the ABPS today.