Articles - Articles

Patients Can Check and Confirm Physician Board Certification of American Board of Physician Specialties® Diplomates

Every patient would like to assume that their physicians are experts in their field who are more than capable of providing safe and effective medical treatment. But assumptions often don’t lead to the best health decisions. One of the most important decisions we can make as patients is choosing which specialist will treat us. But how can a patient gauge ...

ABPS Diplomates, Huber Matos MD and Caleb Awoniyi, MD, PhD, FAAA Explain the Vital Role Anesthesiologists Play in the Fight Against COVID-19

Dr. Matos Without a doubt, 2020 was one of the most difficult years to be an anesthesiologist. The pandemic created a need for versatile and imaginative physician leaders which brought anesthesiologists to the forefront. Healthcare systems, and public officials sought the expertise of anesthesiologists to create a new system of triage, testing, perioperative intensive care, and ...

What is BCFMO?

The Board of Certification in Family Medicine Obstetrics (BCFMO) is a nationally recognized certifying board that offers certification to physicians who wish to present themselves to the public as qualified medical specialists in family medicine obstetrics. The BCFMO is a Member Board of the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS), one of the nation’s most prominent multispecialty certifying bodies. BCFMO ...

Dr. Apple Bodemer on Optimizing Skin Health

As a practicing dermatologist, I would argue that the skin, the largest organ of the human body, is the most important. It is our immune system’s first line of defense, blocking microbes, viruses, bacteria, and fungus from entering our system and causing problems. As our interface with the world, the skin is supplied with an abundance of nerve endings which ...

Joseph Toscano, MD, on the Role of Urgent Care Medicine in Covid-19 Testing

Initially, like everyone else in medicine and business, urgent care operators and clinicians were very uncertain as to how to operate with this new infectious disease, Covid-19, in the mix. How would we treat our usual patients? How would we evaluate patients for Covid? How would we protect staff? Would there be enough PPE (personal protective equipment)? In essence, we ...

What Family Medicine Residency Program Directors Should Let Residents Interested in Emergency Medicine Know

There’s no lack of information regarding the contributions of family physicians to our healthcare system, particularly in emergency medicine. Without these professionals, it’s a simple fact that many parts of the country would be without adequate emergency medical care. The shortage of emergency physicians is especially acute in rural areas, where emergency departments have long relied on the services of ...

Why Become Board Certified by the American Board of Physician Specialties?

The American Board of Physician Specialties® is a nationally recognized physician multi-specialty certifying body that takes a pragmatic approach to physician board certification. It goes way back to our founding in 1952 when a group of osteopathic surgeons who completed allopathic residencies were denied certification through the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) because they did not complete osteopathic residencies and then ...

ABOIM Offers Time-Limited Certification Pathways for Non-Fellowship Trained Physicians in Integrative Medicine

The American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM) has created a new pathway for allopathic and osteopathic physicians who have not completed an approved fellowship to be eligible for certification in integrative medicine. The new Ayurveda training option and other non-fellowship pathways will remain open for a limited time only. Other Certification Pathways Are Set to Expire With the addition of ...

What Is BCFM?

The Board of Certification in Family Medicine (BCFM) offers qualified and experienced allopathic and osteopathic physicians a chance to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in family medicine through board certification. The BCFM is a Member Board of the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS), one of three nationally distinguished physician board certifying bodies. To be eligible for certification with the ...

Dr. Kelly McCann Discusses the Benefits of Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine blends the best of conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine. Conventional medicine typically relies on treatment options such as pharmaceuticals and surgery, while complementary and alternative medicine focuses on practices and therapies that aren’t often taught in medical school, such as acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, mind/body medicine, energy medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, lifestyle, and the use ...

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