Articles - Articles
How EM Certification Benefits Both Physicians and Rural Hospitals
The shortage of qualified emergency medicine physicians remains acute, particularly in rural areas. The fact that more hospitals are prioritizing hiring board certified physicians only compounds the problem. But at the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS), we believe that if the benefits of physician board certification were more widely appreciated, the medical community would make significant inroads into reversing ...
Why Hospitals Should Encourage Board Certification in Emergency Medicine
Finding qualified physicians who are board certified in emergency medicine has long been a challenge for hospital recruiters. The fact that emergency room visits have increased in the last several years only makes the problem more urgent. To keep their emergency departments staffed to adequately meet patient volume, hospitals have traditionally relied on physicians certified in other medical fields, like ...
EM Board-Certified Physicians Earn More
Board-certified emergency physicians earn more than non-board-certified emergency physicians. That’s the finding of a 2017 salary survey conducted by Emergency Medicine News. The survey also revealed that in the highest income group, the gap between those with and without EM board certification has widened since 2015. When you also consider that in the survey’s lowest income group, fewer board-certified EM ...
Why Rural Emergency Physicians Should Consider Board Certification
There has been a dearth of board certified emergency physicians for years, but in rural areas the shortage is especially severe. According to a study on emergency department staffing patterns, nearly two-thirds of board certified emergency doctors work in urban communities. In a June article on the Health Leaders Media website, M. Kennedy Hall, MD, MHS, lead author of the ...
Get Board Certified in Emergency Medicine
An increase in emergency room visits and the ongoing shortage of qualified emergency medicine physicians have meant that emergency departments across the nation continue to be staffed by doctors who are not residency-trained in EM. Many ER doctors are instead trained and certified in primary fields, such as family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, and general surgery, and they have proven ...
Emergency Medicine Board Certification: The Next Step for EM Fellows
The American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS) offers knowledgeable and experienced emergency medicine physicians certification through the Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM). If you are a physician who has recently completed a post-primary care graduate fellowship, BCEM certification represents an excellent opportunity to demonstrate a mastery of your discipline and to become recognized as qualified emergency medicine doctor. ...
ER Patients Deserve to Be Treated by Physicians Board Certified in Emergency Medicine
The ongoing shortage of physicians certified in emergency medicine has meant that many emergency departments across the country have had to rely on the knowledge and skills of doctors trained in primary care specialties. In fact, about one-third of the nation’s emergency departments are staffed by physicians who lack emergency medicine certification. To be sure, these doctors continually demonstrate that ...
ABPS Recognizes Qualified Family Physicians in EM
Family physicians play a vital role in emergency departments across the country. During our current shortage of qualified emergency medicine physicians, family doctors have stepped in to fill the gap. As generalists whose patients run the gamut from infants to the elderly, they are relied on in the emergency room for their depth of knowledge and versatility. But, despite the ...
BCEM Diplomates Play an Integral Role in Emergency Medicine
Lewis W. Marshall, MD, the two-time president of the American Association of Physician Specialists, Inc.®, credits his certification with the Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM) with helping to advance his career. His interest in the BCEM was prompted by a conversation that he had while working in a Level 1 trauma center in Queens, New York. “The chairman ...
Career EM Physicians Can Accelerate their Careers
Faced with a shortage of qualified emergency medicine physicians for the last several years, hospitals and other healthcare facilities have staffed their emergency rooms with knowledgeable and skilled doctors trained in primary specialties. These career EM physicians have shown time and again that they are more than capable of delivering critical care in a stressful environment that demands quick thinking, ...