Why Hospitals Should Encourage EM Physicians to Become Board Certified
In many urgent access hospitals and emergency departments, the physicians on staff are board certified in a medical field other than emergency medicine. While emergency medicine is a recognized medical specialty, many physicians elect to complete their residency in broader fields like family medicine or primary care before eventually gravitating to the emergency room to address a need within their community. The shortage of physicians who are board certified in emergency medicine is particularly prevalent in small markets and rural communities where the medical team tends to see less trauma and spends more time with patients who might not have access to other physicians. Yet, if you have physicians working in your hospital who are certified in a specialty other than emergency medicine, you might want to encourage them to consider becoming recognized in their chosen field with board certification from the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) or another multi-specialty board certifying organization.
At ABPS, we believe that physicians who have extensive firsthand experience working in the emergency department are entitled to board certification in their field of expertise. The problem that many physicians run into is that they are not eligible for certification without completing an additional residency – a residency in a specialty they’ve already shown expertise in over the course of their career. To address this issue, ABPS offers board certification in emergency medicine for physicians with extensive firsthand experience in emergency medicine who completed their residency in another field. Our board certification process is still extremely competitive, we have exceptionally high standards for our Diplomates, and we are pleased to offer an avenue to qualified physicians.
Increasingly, hospital leaders are prioritizing hiring physicians for their emergency departments who are board certified in the specialty. This significantly narrows the field of qualified physicians in an already under represented field of medicine. What’s more, there can be significant insurance incentives for hospitals to hire emergency medicine certified physicians, which further speaks to the importance of having your physicians certified in the field in which they work.
To help make it easier for your physicians to obtain and maintain employment, ensure your patients receive the best possible care, and make sure your hospital qualifies for all insurance coverage you’re entitled to, it makes sense to encourage your EM physicians to become board certified in emergency medicine. For information about the board certification process and eligibility requirements with ABPS, contact us today. The ABPS is the official board certifying body of the American Association of Physician Specialists, Inc.