Eligibility Requirements for Family Medicine Obstetrics Physician Board Certification
The eligibility requirements for qualified physicians to take the exam to become board certified in Family Medicine Obstetrics are just as stringent as all specialties that are administered by the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS). The tests themselves are developed under the most rigorous standards in the industry, which means the ABPS eligibility requirements ensure that physicians are truly qualified to attempt to earn the distinction of becoming certified through the Board of Certification in Family Medicine/Obstetrics (BCFMO).
In addition to the baseline eligibility requirements held in common by all ABPS Member Boards, the additional requirements for potential candidates to take the written exam in Family Medicine Obstetrics include two distinct tracks, clinical practice and fellowship. Here are a few highlights and details of the two tracks:
- Clinical track (available until 2018)
- Applicant must be a family physician with at least five years of ongoing care for obstetric patients
- Practice must include surgical obstetrics
- Case log must list all obstetrical cases completed over the past two years
- Applicants must have performed no fewer than 100 vaginal deliveries during the past five years
- Applicants must have performed no fewer than 50 cesarean sections during the past five years
- Fellowship track
- Applicants must have completed a 12-month, full-time fellowship recognized by the BCFMO (recognized programs are listed here)
- Applicants must have the director of their fellowship submit an original, signed letter of verification attesting to program completion
- Applicants who have completed a fellowship not recognized by the BCFMO must follow the clinical track
To learn more about the Family Medicine Obstetrics eligibility requirements, click here or contact the ABPS today. The ABPS is the official board certifying body of the American Association of Physician Specialists, Inc.