Family Medicine Obstetrics Recertification

ABPS Diplomates are encouraged to apply for recertification one year before the current certification expires.  ABPS does not offer a “grace period” for certification, however, Diplomates have a period of four years after their certification expires to submit a recertification application, provided their account status is active. Failure to submit a complete recertification application within the window of eligibility will result in having to apply for and meet the requirements for initial certification in order to regain ABPS certification.

ABPS will accept for recertification Diplomates originally certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or the Association Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (AOABOS) member boards in any specialty in which ABPS currently certifies physicians. Click here for full details.

Requirements for Recertification

  1. Must hold an active and unrestricted license(s) to practice medicine in the United States, U.S. Territories, or Canada.
  2. Submit documentation of CME hours: an average of 50 hours of Category 1 CME per year with at least 25 CMEs in the field of Family Medicine Obstetrics. Over the eight-year certification period, the totals would be 400 CME, with 200 of those CME credits from Family Medicine Obstetrics related topics. Copies of an official CME summary from the granting organization or copies of individual certificates must be submitted for all completed CME activities.  NOTE: Teaching hours may be used to help satisfy the CME requirement; however, the total teaching hours submitted may not be more than half the overall total CME required and a letter from the program director or official certificate verifying the number of hours claimed must also be submitted.
  3. Complete at least 50 questions of self-assessment CME each year, except in the final year of the recertification cycle. CMEs obtained from self-assessments may be used to meet the annual CME requirements specified in item 2.
    • Number of self-assessment questions completed should be indicated in the designated column on the ABPS CME summary form. It is not necessary to submit copies of completed questions.
    • The following resources are available for on-line CME and self-assessments:
      1. A list of CME/Self-Assessment Resources compiled by Dr. Bernard Sklar (Online Continuing Medical Education) is available at
      2. Another resource for On-Line self-assessments is NetCE at
  4. Complete 4 CME credits of ABPS-Approved Medical Ethics Approved courses include ABPS-sponsored courses or presentations designated as Medical Ethics credit OR must contain the term “Medical Ethics” in the title or syllabus of the course, must be intended for physicians, and cannot be the same course taken multiple times to meet the 4 credit requirement.
  5. Requirements for recertification in Family Medicine Obstetrics include successful completion of a recertification examination.

Recertification Application

Please carefully read the information below.

  • Recertification is now easier than ever. Simply log in to your Diplomate account using the Diplomate Log In button at the top of this page, and go to My Certifications.
  • Here you will notice a summary of your current certification period as well as an overview of the credits required and/or accumulated for your next certification renewal. You will also notice a form to be used to self-report your non-ABPS CME credits and upload the appropriate supporting documentation, as well as the ‘Apply for Recertification’ button that appears when your current certification expiration date is less than two years away.
  • Before beginning the recertification application process, please ensure you have all the necessary information/documentation available to complete the application submission.
    • You will need to enter all non-ABPS CME activities in the form provided on the My Certifications screen and upload the appropriate supporting documentation.
    • Select the appropriate category of each CME activity – Family Medicine Obstetrics should be chosen for any specialty-related CME, Medical Ethics for medical ethics-related topics, or Other CME, for all other topic areas.
    • The online application system will not let you submit your application until all required fields are completed, all required documentation has been uploaded, and the fee has been paid.
    • The recertification application fee includes one examination attempt and varies by the date the application is submitted, see fee schedule.
    • Failure to complete the submission by the published deadlines will delay the Board’s review of your application materials.
  • Applicants have a period of one (1) year from the application submission date for their application to be approved. This includes the Board review and submission of any additional documentation that may have been requested by the Board. If the information has not been received and the application has not been unconditionally approved within that time, the application will become invalid, which will require the applicant to submit a new application and fee.
  • Diplomates of ABMS or AOA specialty Boards who are interested in pursuing recertification with ABPS must first contact Certification staff at or 813/433-2277. Click here for full details.



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House of Delegates & Annual Scientific Meeting
Innovation & Overcoming Challenges
June 10-15, 2022
Patient Care Is Our Priority

Medical organizations throughout North America understand that our rigorous certification standards prove that ABPS Diplomates are capable of delivering the best patient care possible.

Far too often, medicine is led by less than 5% of non-practicing physicians taking away and replacing the voice of the 95% of physicians practicing and placing patient safety and care first on the front lines every day. The American Board of Physician Specialties has raised the standards in physician board certification not only in the quality of their boards of certification, but in hearing and allowing for the voice of those active physicians caring directly for patients. Having been a part of the ABPS over the last 28 years has allowed me to grow as a woman leader in a field often wrought with challenges. It helped me and others raise the bar of the standards of care in my specialty, Emergency Medicine, through their Board Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM). ABPS also helped raise the standards of care for 21st century medicine through their certifications in other specialties, particularly in Integrative Medicine & Disaster Medicine. Having physician voices heard matters to medicine and is essential in the betterment of patient safety and care.

Sarah E. Gilbert, MD, FAAEP
Sarah E. Gilbert, MD, FAAEP
Emergency Medicine
On October 18, 2007, President George W. Bush released Homeland Security Presidential Directive 21 (HSPD-21), calling on our nation, among other initiatives, to “collectively support and facilitate the establishment of a discipline of disaster health”. It is a great testament to the wisdom and foresight of the American Board of Physician Specialties that it immediately set to work and created, within the short span of only one year, an educational blueprint and set of certification examinations, both written and oral, for a new subspecialty of disaster medicine—and it is why I chose to be part this vital initiative and this wonderful organization. This is but one of the many innovative programs initiated by the American Board of Physician Specialties over the years, and why I am proud to support its work on behalf of our nation’s public health.

Art Cooper, MD
Disaster Medicine
When the American Board of Physician Specialties offered to host the American Board of Integrative Medicine, ABPS became a landmark organization working to move medicine into the twenty first century. Certifying physicians who have completed rigorous academic training in Integrative Medicine ensures that the field of Integrative Medicine will continue to develop academically, clinically, and professionally. The leadership of ABPS continues to impress me - they are diligent in constantly innovating to provide certifications for physicians who want to advance their careers and their areas of expertise. I am honored to be a part of this organization.

Ann Marie Chiasson, MD
Integrative Medicine
There are many ways board certification advances a physician career. ABPS Board examination verifies your accuracy, precision, and reflects your mastery of your residency training verifying your expertise. ABPS Board certification demonstrates your level of expertise beyond your practice experience, primary education degrees, and training which are necessary for insurance reimbursement and practice privilege requirements. Attaining your ABPS Board Certification will clarify your purpose, secure your practice growth, and expand into leadership positions. Board certification can serve as an indication of a physician’s commitment to medicine, beyond the minimal standards and competency of training, their measurement to quality of care, and attaining an award for excellence.

Chris Kunis MD
Internal Medicine
When I think historically, advancement in medicine and patient safety and care has been driven by the diversity of people and scientific thought. That’s what I found at the ABPS and more. For over 60 years that is just who we are. I found a physician certifying body that provides a choice and voice to all physicians ensuring that patients are always placed first.

Jerry Allison, MD
Emergency Medicine
When I decided to pursue a full time role as a physician executive it was important to me to obtain additional professional training, education and work experience. Board certification through the ABPS in Administrative Medicine is validation of my efforts and a demonstration of dedication to professional development. We need more physicians to become full time health care executives, knowing there is a board certification option in Administrative Medicine encourages physicians to take the leap from full time clinical practice to healthcare organizational leadership.

Richard Paula, MD
Administrative Medicine
The American Board of Physician Specialties has provided me with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of internal medicine through board certification. As a hospitalist, board certification is an expected credential, and hospitals recognize the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) as one of the three standard credentialling bodies for Internal Medicine. Additionally, the ABPS has helped me develop leadership skills as a Board member and Committee Chairperson. ABPS has also helped me sharpen critical thinking skills as a test question developer and reviewer. The Allopathic (MD) and Osteopathic (DO) physicians in the ABPS are lifelong learners and frequently pursue multiple board certifications. I enjoy the camaraderie of my peers in ABPS.

Loren Jay Chassels, DO
Internal Medicine