ABPS Hospitalist Board Certification
Few specialties have grown as rapidly in recent years as hospital medicine, and with that growth the interest in and need for hospitalist certification has increased. Since the mid 1990s, the number of practicing hospitalists has grown to more than 16,000 from less than 1,000. The American Board of Physician Specialists (ABPS) is convinced that this growth will only continue to accelerate in the coming years. That’s why we are committed to providing those who practice hospital medicine the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in the core competencies required to achieve hospitalist board certification.
The ABPS was the first physician certification body to recognize the emerging importance of hospitalist certification. We subsequently developed the nation’s first and only board of certification for hospital medicine, the American Board of Hospital Medicine (ABHM). This is not merely a subspecialty of internal medicine. Hospitalist board certification through the ABHM carries all the standing and prestige of a distinct and vital medical specialty.
The rigorous testing standards employed by the ABHM were developed with the direction of hospitalists from the United States, as well as Canada. Diplomates from ABPS, AOABOS, and ABMS boards certified in internal medicine, emergency medicine, family practice are eligible to apply for hospitalist board certification through the ABHM.
To learn more about the eligibility requirements, or for more information about the ABPS, contact us today.