Suburban Health Organization (SHO) is a leader in Indianapolis area and central Indiana physician recruitment and offers physician practice opportunities in systems in suburban, urban and rural locations. We are in-house recruiters for eight suburban hospitals. Hospitals are Hancock Regional Hospital, Hendricks Regional Health, Henry County Hospital, Johnson Memorial Health, Major Hospital, Margaret Mary Health, Riverview Health, and Witham Health Services.
(Side Note: our hospitals are unable to sponsor any visas)
Henry Community Health is bringing their Hospitalist program in-house and will be hiring four Hospitalist physicians. Physicians will be working days. 7 on/7off 7a-7p Shift will include two physicians and one nurse practitioner.
Responsible for covering call schedule. Weekends are flexible and physician may leave the hospital if within a 30 minute call range. Will see an average daily census of 12-18 patients subject to acuity level and staffing. Responsible for practicing “best” management and following CMS quality measures. Participates on various quality and safety committees within the Hospital. Collaborate and work with the nurse practitioners, provide oversight and mentoring. Physician will also receive one week of vacation. Must be open to perform procedures.
Contact: Lauren Carrell