Why Physician Board Certification Matters
The achievement of physician board certification provides different values to different stakeholders. Patients, physicians, practice management groups, and others with an interest in healthcare have differing interpretations about why board certification matters. Make no mistake, though: It does matter to anyone who cares about the effectiveness of the American healthcare system and the advancement of public health.
It starts with patients. The basic mission of the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) is to make sure that patients everywhere receive the best possible care. Physicians who achieve board certification from an ABPS Member Board also reach out proactively to healthcare organizations, hospitals, legislators, and the communities where members practice in order to reinforce the importance of placing patients first. In that respect, the ABPS community’s strength and unity enable our Diplomates to make their voices heard in the public arena, thereby helping shape the future of healthcare in North America.
The “Big Tent” Approach of the ABPS Community
When physicians earn board certification through the ABPS, they join a distinguished community of like-minded professionals who prioritize the advancement of patient care and safety, rather than the business side of medicine. In order to strengthen the cause and increase its visibility, the ABPS community of board certified physicians takes a “big tent” approach to medicine that provides opportunities for all Diplomates to share in the advocacy for improved patient care. Every ABPS Diplomate is a valued member of a community whose voice is heard and respected. Best practices are shared with the ABPS community at large, providing Diplomates the opportunity to learn from the successes of others.
Benefits of Hiring Board-Certified Physicians
Hospitals, practice management groups, urgent care centers, and others who employ physicians would do well to advocate board certification for a number of reasons. Primarily, hiring board certified physicians demonstrates to patients and prospective patients that the service they can expect to receive will be provided by physicians who have proven they have mastered the core competencies required to provide the best care possible. In effect, board-certified specialists lend their organizations prestige that allows them to stand out in today’s competitive healthcare marketplace. Furthermore, board-certified physicians provide their colleagues the assurance that they are working with highly skilled and knowledgeable medical professionals who stay updated on the most recent and effective treatment strategies. In short, engaging board certified physicians makes good business sense, as well as fulfilling the first duty of a healthcare organization – to provide the best care available.
Learn More About the ABPS
The ABPS strives to offer physicians in a variety of medical disciplines the opportunity to demonstrate their base of knowledge, expertise, and dedication to ongoing learning and training through board certification. Our strict eligibility criteria, combined with psychometrically validated exams that adhere to the highest industry standards, ensure that only the most talented and committed physicians can achieve ABPS board certification. For more information about our mission to offer the highest standards in physician board certification, contact the ABPS.