Medical Specialty Board Certification from ABPS
Medical specialty board certification from the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) is based on rigorous scientific standards and innovative examination techniques that are designed to demonstrate knowledge and experience in the core competencies involved with each of our 17 specialty boards. When a physician achieves certification through the ABPS, he or she is achieving far more than merely passing a test. Our clinically based exams provide a clear demonstration that a physician is among the elite in the chosen specialty or subspecialty.
However, specialty board certification from the ABPS means a lot more than that. ABPS Diplomates always advocate patient care ahead of the business side of medicine. Our Diplomates form a distinguished community of like-minded physicians who prioritize the advancement of patient care and safety, rather than the business of reimbursement and coding. Each ABPS Diplomate is a valued participant in the community whose voice is heard and respected. Experiences are shared with the ABPS community at large, enabling members to learn from the success stories of others.
In addition to promoting open and forthright communication among our members, we believe that it is vital to reach out proactively to hospitals, healthcare organizations, legislators, and the communities where our physicians practice in order to reinforce the importance of placing patients first. In that respect, the ABPS community’s strength and unity enable our Diplomates to make their voices heard in the public arena, thereby helping to shape the future of healthcare.
If you believe specialty board certification for physicians should be more than a requirement for employment, and believe it is important for physicians to have a more powerful voice as advocates for patient care, contact ABPS to learn more about our certification and recertification process. The ABPS is the certifying body for the American Association of Physician Specialists, Inc., and provides board certification for specialties as diverse as emergency medicine, family medicine obstetrics, hospital medicine, urgent care medicine, and many more.