Urgent Care Review Courses
ABPS does not sponsor, support, endorse, or recommend any particular review course, study program, review materials or other Board exam preparatory materials. The American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS) also is not affiliated with any course provider. Any advertisement or promotional matter which states or implies sponsorship, support, endorsement, approval, affiliation with, or recommendation by ABPS or its affiliate, the Board of Certification in Urgent Care Medicine® (BCUCM®) is unauthorized and should be brought to the immediate attention of ABPS.
To assist candidates looking for review courses or study options, BCUCM has compiled a listing of organizations that provide review courses, books, or self-study programs. The information listed here is subject to change and candidates should contact the organization directly for the most current information and offerings.
The Institute of Urgent Care Medicine
Core Content in Urgent Care Medicine