The Veterans Health Administration Recognizes the Benefits of Integrative Medicine
In many ways, the marriage between integrative medicine and the Veterans Health Administration makes perfect sense, so it’s no wonder that, in recent years, the VA has expressed a commitment to offering veterans access to integrative medicine professionals. Integrative medicine is a specialty that is focused on providing the best possible care to a patient by taking a whole-person approach. It emphasizes the relationship between the patient and the physician to not only treat disease, injuries, and ailments, but also to improve the patient’s overall health in an effort to avoid future problems. At the American Board of Integrative Medicine®, we applaud the VA’s forward-thinking policy of recognizing the value that integrative medicine can have on the patient’s mind, body, and soul, and we urge our nation’s veterans to learn more about integrative medicine to see how practitioners of this specialty may be able to provide care and comfort.
Integrative medicine is a specialty of medicine that focuses on using all available treatments to benefit the patient. This includes the best practices of modern, mainstream medicine but also many all-natural, complementary, and alternative techniques. It is all about doing what is best for the patient. Additionally, integrative medicine not only focuses on addressing specific problems that a patient may have, but also attempting to address their underlying cause or causes. For instance, if a veteran is having trouble sleeping, the physician may recommend a sleeping aid, but she also might attempt to determine what is causing the disruption in the patient’s sleep cycle.
Our nation’s veterans deserve the best possible care. The VA’s commitment to integrative medicine shows a capacity for forward-thinking by offering a variety of resources to the large population of veterans in the United States. With men and women returning home from combat with both physical and mental wounds, it is imperative that our infrastructure is equipped to provide compassionate, state-of-the-art healthcare services to former members of our armed forces.
If you are a physician who specializes in integrative medicine and you are interested in learning about becoming board certified in your area of expertise through the ABOIM, contact us today.